Sunday, December 5, 2010

Annoying Issues And A Lesson Well Learned

Just a quick warning:
This is going to be a bit of a rant...

So as most of you know, I am the creator/owner of TheTudors group on deviantART ( Back in early November, someone commented on that page, saying that we should all check out this roleplay group called Tudors Saga. So I did, thinking, why not? My first rude encounter with them was when I joined and auditioned for the cannon role of Katherine Howard. Not more than five minutes after submitting this, I was told that it was being "REJECTED" because there already was a Katherine Howard. The user also told me to look more carefully and see the character's page to see who was and wasn't available (I would like to quickly point out that this 'character page' is not very easy to find, and one has to dig for it to find it).This person later apologized to me for being so rude, but I still don't think it was a very good first impression for a moderator to make to one of their new members.

Anyway, I carried on and had my name changed to Ursula Misseldon and took on the responsibilities of being that character. I uploaded an avatar with the playby for the character and also made a picture for my signature with pictures of other actresses that would be the playbys for up coming characters of mine. I spent at least an hour on it, mind you. A couple days go by and I start roleplaying - everything is smooth. However, today when I logged on I had a message from an admin saying that I needed to sign the rules for the roleplay and that I needed to change my signature because someone else already had one of my girls for their playby. Now I understand that they have their rules and such, but there are only a certain number of people that can be used as playbys for the Tudor era because how difficult it can be to find pictures of actors and actresses in period dress. So what happens when this RPG gets bigger? Are they going to tell every single person who chooses a playby that is the same as someone else's that they must remove or change it? I find that quite unprofessional.

In the end, I am incredibly irritated. Not only did I spend a decent amount of time making that signature banner, but they have the nerve to tell someone that they cannot use an actress as a playby for something because someone else has it. My biggest regret is that I submitted a journal to TheTudors group recommending this group long before I knew exactly how it was and what the people on there were like. Forgive me if you checked out that group and were as unsatisfied as I was. I think I will delete my account from there, or at least not be as active on it as before until I am no longer mad.

What are your thoughts?


Unknown said...

I'm sorry that that happened. Just leave the group if i were you. And it was unprofessional and unfair.

Kassy said...

Well I'm glad to know that you agree with me.

Unknown said...

Your welcome sweetie!

getonthecarousel said...

uuuh, i'd live those mean mo-fos, leave the group and write what I think about them (ok, in a more proper way than i usually do, but i'd tell them how much they stink!)