Sunday, March 14, 2010

Halfway Through March Already?

It's so hard to believe that we're already halfway through March and more than halfway through the school year. Most people would say that's cool, but I don't know.. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to my Sophomore year simply because I'm getting closer to graduating and of course, the real world. But well, such is life, and now on to other things!

Something most of you probably don't know about me is that I'm crazy about makeup. I spend most of my time on YouTube watching various makeup gurus. My favorites are: (Blog: ) ( Blog: )

I love signing into my YouTube account everyday after school and seeing the new videos they've posted. They're amazing and they all have their own style of makeup. I just love all the ideas they give me, and I'd probably be doing my own beauty guru videos if I was confident enough hehe. Anyway, I hope you check those guys out because they're awesome and if you love makeup or fashion or anything like that they'll have some things you'll probably love.

Thanks again to everyone who reads these blogs and especially to the people who comment on them! Thanks so much for the support and keep an eye out for more entries!

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